Greatbodies Fitness
Personal Training and Consultations
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Personal Training

Greatbodies Personal Training
Effective Resistance training develops considerable lean muscle as seen here.

I am an experienced High-Intensity Training Advocate, and a competitive Masters' level bodybuilder.
For those of you who can't visit  to work with me personally, phone consultations and online provide a good alternative. The opportunity to use the expertise and support gained through years of study and experience as you sit in the comfort of your home consulting with me is a wonderful way to receive individualized direction and attention you need.

My clients are pleased to receive my guidance and suggestions on increasing strength and size, body fat reduction, customized nutritional plan and competition preparation. Your consultations will be tailored to meet your individual needs and lifestyle.
In the gym or at home'
Initial  consult  Free
Sessions - Individual- $70 per session- $80 in home
Couples $ 100 per session
Monthly Package $ 750 singles, 1000 couples
Phone and Online consultations:
Initial consultation (30 min) Free
Follow up consultation (30 min): $60
Initial + 6 follow up: $ 400

Personalized Advice via Mail or Email

For many, email advice provide an inexpensive and more viable alternative. Help provided via email or regular mail for only $60 and includes:

Customized exercise routine
Complete dietary program
Supplementation advice
Up to three emails about your program

You will be sent or e-mailed a questionnaire with simple questions to get a basic idea about your age, body type, goals and lifestyle. From the information you provide, I will help you to achieve your fitness goals!
Email or call 402 779-9027 today to get started!